A personal safety app is a mobile application designed to help individuals protect themselves and feel safer in various situations. These apps typically offer features aimed at enhancing personal security and providing assistance in emergencies. Common features include:
What are the benefits of using a personal safety app?Personal safety apps offer several benefits, aimed at enhancing the security and peace of mind of their users. Here are some of the key advantages:
If you have any additional personal safety questions, we'd love to help! Email [email protected] or call 1-877-832-5276 today! Stay safe out there! In moments of medical emergency, time becomes an invaluable asset. Whether it's a sudden fall, a heart attack, or any other unforeseen health crisis, every second counts. For many individuals, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions or seniors living alone, the need for expedited assistance is crucial. This is where medical alert devices step in as lifesaving companions. Medical alert devices are more than just gadgets; they are guardians designed to ensure prompt response during emergencies. Imagine a scenario where a person experiences a sudden cardiac event or a severe allergic reaction. In such critical situations, the ability to summon help swiftly can be the difference between life and death. One of the key features of medical alert devices is their ability to provide GPS-enabled emergency response. Through advanced technology, these devices can pinpoint the exact location of the individual in distress, allowing emergency services to reach them with unprecedented speed. This is particularly vital for individuals with medical conditions that may render them incapacitated or unable to communicate their location effectively. Consider someone with a chronic illness like diabetes or epilepsy. These conditions can lead to sudden complications, such as hypoglycemia or seizures, where immediate medical attention is imperative. In such cases, having a medical alert device with GPS functionality ensures that help is just a button press away, even if the individual is unable to articulate their situation. Furthermore, medical alert devices offer peace of mind not only to the users but also to their loved ones. Family members and caregivers can rest assured knowing that their loved one has access to rapid assistance in case of an emergency, even when they are not physically present.
The significance of medical alert devices extends beyond just summoning help during emergencies. These devices often come equipped with additional features such as fall detection and medication reminders, further enhancing the user's safety and well-being on a day-to-day basis. In essence, medical alert devices serve as a vital lifeline for individuals with medical conditions, seniors living independently, and anyone concerned about their personal safety. By providing expedited GPS response and ensuring prompt assistance during emergencies, these devices offer a sense of security and empowerment to those who rely on them. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, embracing technology like medical alert devices becomes increasingly essential. After all, when it comes to personal safety and well-being, every second truly does count. In a recent survey, we learned that over 60% of Americans feel unsafe on a daily basis. Many feel varying forms of strong anxiety related to keeping themselves or their families safe. Yet, why do we feel such anxieties? Understanding where this so-called safety anxiety comes from and how to address it can be tremendously beneficial. Where does safety anxiety come from? Our bodies naturally release certain chemicals and create certain emotions to help us. We feel fear or anxiety in certain situations in order to stay alive. It’s generally a good thing. But constant exposure to anxiety-inducing situations can take a toll on the body and mind, and a significant one. Chronic stress and high levels of cortisol have been shown to cause harmful side effects. How to Address Your Personal Safety Anxiety The good news is that personal safety anxiety can be addressed, like other forms of anxiety, and we're going to look at how to do exactly that in these two short parts: PART 1: Awareness & Logging Personal Safety Stressors As you go through your daily life, you will experience times of heightened personal safety anxiety. You may not have thought about it this way before or noticed it before—or you may have. This will be an opportunity to become hyper-aware of situations that raise your personal safety anxiety. We call these personal safety “stressors.” You may feel these stressors when you do something like walk to a bus stop at night alone or take an elevator by yourself. Your body sends a signal out to let you know to be heightened. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs demonstrated, one of our most basic human needs is physical safety. Without feeling physically safe, we cannot thrive. To address your personal safety anxiety, you must first note and identify any event throughout the day that heightens your “safety anxiety.” Secondly, you must log these events and assign a value from 1-5. A simple way to log these events is to text yourself, or email yourself on your smartphone. This allows you to log the events without having to carry a notebook. Be sure to pay particular attention to the level of severity, because understanding where the anxiety falls on the 1-5 scale will be important in the next step. Do this for 7 days, beginning Monday-Sunday. Even though many people experience the majority of personal safety stressors during the work week, it’s good to continue to log during your days off because you may be experiencing some surprising personal safety stressors. For example, some people who live alone might experience personal safety stressors at home, when hearing the house walls adjust at night. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep the log for 7 days straight. PART 2: Addressing Personal Safety Stressors Now that you’ve logged your “personal safety stressors,” you may have gained some valuable insights into your day and which events might heighten personal safety anxiety. As we’ve discussed, chronic states of anxiety can take a toll on the body, so we’ll want to eliminate those stressors. The next step will be separating your personal safety stressors into two categories: avoidable and unavoidable. Avoidable personal safety stressors are the ones that you can cut out of your day, if you can help it. For example, if walking through a particular street is a stressor, you can opt for a different route. Conversely, unavoidable stressors are ones that you have no control over and cannot change. For example, walking through your parking garage at work. Maybe there’s only one garage you must use every day, and it’s difficult to switch to a different one. This would be a non-avoidable personal safety stressor. The third step in this process will be to further divide each category into two subcategories: 1-3 rated stressors, and 4-5 rated stressors. Your list should look something like this: As you can see in the examples, certain personal safety stressors are avoidable, while others are not. Because you’ve logged these events for the week, you may now have some clarity and understanding into which avoidable situations give you stress, and you can avoid them! While this may sound simple, sometimes, we must intentionally give something awareness to understand it (and possibly avoid it). Non-similarly, some other personal safety stressors were non-avoidable. These are perhaps the most important to address because these will require the most work. Understanding these unavoidable personal safety stressors is a great first step! Just being aware of which activities heighten your stress is a great start, because sometimes awareness alone brings down our stress level. Now take each one of your non-avoidable personal safety stressors and write down a potential solution for each one. Some solutions may include bringing a friend, using a personal safety app like RedSOS, or another alternative that you feel comfortable with. Let’s look at a typical stressor: walking home alone. If you have friends or family available at the time you walk home, it’s easy to invite someone to join you. In this case, it’s an avoidable personal safety stressor. If, however, your schedule doesn’t allow you to bring someone, it’s a non-avoidable personal safety stressor. In this case, using a personal safety app like RedSOS can be very helpful because it may feel like you’re not alone anymore. RedSOS provides 24/7 professional agents that are available to get you help if needed. Just knowing there’s someone on standby can be a tremendous help. The app also allows you to request a call so our agents can check on you, even if it’s not an emergency. So if you are walking alone and feeling anxious, you can get in touch with a caring human who’s capable of summoning first responders at any moment. If you have a specific personal safety stressor and want to get our advice on how to eliminate this stressor from your life, you can reach out to [email protected] or call 1-877-832-5276. We will be happy to assist you. We care about your safety and love to help! The Secret to Personal Safety
If you have ever had any personal safety concerns, you're certainly not alone. Our busy lives today demand that we pay attention to our surroundings in order to survive. We've developed an evolutionary mechanism that excites our nervous system and raises our adrenaline and cortisol levels to keep us alive. Your body aims to keep itself alive; your mind is the command center adjusting the levers to support this mission. When you are walking to work, stepping off the subway, or walking your dog at night, your body is telling you to "stay alert." There’s a 24/7 “keep yourself alive” system as potent and present as the respiratory system regulating your breathing. Sometimes, this system, like a plant reacting to stimuli, heightens and releases chemicals. We might call this feeling anxiety, or more specifically, safety anxiety. Safety anxiety is as real and important as any other type of anxiety. It's as treatable and manageable as any other form of anxiety. You might experience safety anxiety walking through a parking lot at night or on a long elevator ride alone. You might think, “When was this elevator last serviced? What if it stops now, and I'm alone? Does the emergency button even work?” When these thoughts end, you're relieved to exit this risky contraption. We all experience situations like this daily, whether walking to a car at night or waiting at an empty bus stop. We're always assessing threats. We all want to be safe. If you recognize this safety anxiety and want to address it, you start looking for solutions. You research how to alleviate this anxiety and find various self-defense tools online. You might buy pepper spray from Amazon, but later find it too bulky. Then, after hearing about a nearby mugging, you reignite your search for other self-defense tools. However, finding effective self-defense tools has been a challenge. Often bought in panic, we don't properly evaluate their efficacy. For instance, an attacker might turn a victim's weapon against them. In some cases, it's better to have no weapon than have your own weapon used against you. But if you're trained and prepared, that same weapon could save your life. Self-defense is dynamic. The best self-defense strategy is perhaps to have company. It’s common to hear about individuals being mugged when alone. It's less common for groups. The power of numbers is significant. Yet, we can't always have company. During times when you're alone, precautions are essential. One woman in Chicago described her experience having worried about safety anxiety for years, and once she committed to only traveling with her friends, she felt an enormous pressure lifted off her chest. But we emphasize that it's not always feasible to travel with others. And when you're alone, caution is paramount. Even if you do end up finding a self-defense tool that suits you, it's important to recognize that studies do show that having company reduces risks, underscoring the strength in numbers. One study showed that over 90% of car jackings occurred when the driver was alone. Astonishingly, fewer than 10% took place when there were two or more people in the vehicle. The power of numbers is significant. This cannot be overstated. If you can avoid a potentially life-threating situation all together, is this not the ideal outcome? If you have any personal safety concerns, we'd love to help! Feel free to email [email protected] or call our 24/7 helpline at 1-877-832-5276. If you have daily anxiety about your personal safety, try RedSOS now. What do you have to lose?
Yes, it's a self-promotion, but we really believe we've created a great product that significantly decreases safety anxiety--perhaps the most powerful form of anxiety present in our daily lives. Why we created RedSOS Every year, there are over 240,000,000 calls to 911 in the USA alone. That's almost a quarter billion calls where a fellow human is desperate to get saved—just picture someone you know and love in a life-threatening emergency. First Responders do an INCREDIBLE job and respond as fast as possible when they have good information to act on, especially about the NATURE and LOCATION of an emergency. Knowing the nature of your emergency is important. Do you need an ambulance, fire truck, or do you need armed police officers? Your location is also VERY important to get emergency help fast. The FCC recently published a report where approximately 23,000,0000 calls to 911 were MISROUTED each year. That's not anyone's fault. 911 is a great system that's constantly improving, and we should continue to invest in it because it does save lives every year. With this said, the Wall Street Journal reported that "Federal regulators estimate that shaving a minute off response times could save as many as 10,000 lives a year." We believe the true number is even greater. And this right here is exactly why we created RedSOS. We can help emergency responders, and we can save lives. And in fact, we have. So how exactly does RedSOS help? 1. RedSOS can SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your safety anxiety. As Maslow's hierarchy pointed out: one of our most essential daily needs is literally PHYSICAL SAFETY. That's why you might be anxious when you're walking in a parking garage by yourself, or waiting at an empty bus stop alone at night. Anytime you feel unsafe, you can press the 'TEST' button in the RedSOS app. The test feature means that it's not a real emergency but you're simply feeling unsafe. Our 24/7 professional agents will then call you and make sure you're safe and sound. If you're NOT for any reason, we will send responders to your EXACT GPS location. 2. RedSOS can SIGNIFICANTLY reduce emergency response times. You press a button and minutes later an ambulance shows up at your precise GPS location. Why is this important? According to the American Heart Association, every one minute help is delayed, your chances of survival decrease by approximately 10% in a cardiac event. If an ambulance is just 5 minutes late, your chances of survival decrease by 50%. If an ambulance is 9 minutes late, your chances of survival decrease by 90%!! And how are you supposed to calmly call 911 and describe your location verbally if you can't breathe? If you're having chest pains? If you're stabbed? If you literally don't KNOW where you are. Or if you're nervous and panicked, like most of us are during an emergency. The only time it's easy to call 911 is when someone else is having an emergency. It's when you see a car flipped on the side of the road and you call someone to help. But if you're someone who's ever experienced an emergency yourself, you know that it's VERY difficult to get your thoughts together. Take this recent example of a man who could not describe his location in time to get help and sadly ended up dying. Unfortunately, we see this story every day of the week, and it's PREVENTABLE. 3. When you press the RedSOS "panic button" three things will happen. These are the ABCs of RedSOS: A: Our private emergency response center will get notice and we will immediately open an emergency ticket. We will not stop searching for you until you’re found safe and sound. You have a private army working on your behalf. B: Your local first responders will receive notice. Local police, fire and ambulance services will receive your accurate GPS location and any other information we have about your emergency. C: Your friends & family will receive a LIVE GPS link with your exact location, even if it’s changing and you’re moving in real time. You get to select 5 emergency contacts in advance. Be Prepared Before an Emergency The last point: if you wait until you're in an emergency, sadly it's too late. You MUST be emergency-prepared in advance. Safety does not occur by accident. Whether you use our personal safety app, or someone else's, we strongly encourage everyone to have a GPS-enabled SOS app. Think of this as an essential everyday carry item. If you have any personal safety concerns, we'd love to help! Feel free to email [email protected] or call our 24/7 helpline at 1-877-832-5276. |
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